Saturday, April 4, 2020

Divorce, Remarriage & Aging Families

Divorce, Remarriage & Aging Families

This topic is very personal to me because my parents were divorced just a few years ago. Currently my Mom is about to be remarried very soon.

When a husband and wife decide to divorce it affects more than just them. Their children, family, and friends are all affected.

"Is divorce ever good for you? Is it ever good for children? In the short run, the answer to both questions is no for most people. We say "most" because there are cases in which divorce can be a health-saving or even a life-saving event for an abused wife. It can be a form of social and emotional deliverance for a child victimized by a highly conflicted family life. Some marriages should not last."

"At the same time, many marriages end that could have turned out to be satisfying. According to Waite and Gallagher (2000), the majority of couples who are unhappy can work through their problems and have a happy union within five years. Of course, this means that a minority won't be happy even if they try to work through their problems. In the long run, then, the answer to the question of whether divorce is ever good for you varies. The question of whether divorce is ever good for you varies. The question of whether a divorce would be good for you or whether it would be good for your children is not easy to answer."

When my parents were in the divorce proceedings I was 17, almost 18, so I knew exactly what was happening and why it was happening. What made things difficult for me is that my Mom and I had just moved to Florida to be with my Father again after he had been working out of state for 6 years. As my Mom and Dad had just bought a house and finished making the needed repairs he asked for a divorce. My Mom came back to Virginia to pick me up after some scout and youth events. We had a very long and quiet drive to my sisters house in Richmond to tell her which was very painful. The drive to Florida was also very long and quiet. I ended up driving 10 of the 15 hours so my Mom could sleep since she hadn't slept in a couple days. 

So here I was in a new home, in a new state, with no friends, alone with my Mom left to clean up the mess that my Father had just created. Ultimately I ended up growing more in that year than any other time previously but not before I suffered through many hardships with my Mom. We were left to unpack all of our belongings only to stage our home so it can be sold. Any repairs that needed to be done were only done to sell the house. We felt as if we couldn't really move into this wonderful home that we loved because we were already preparing to list it for sale.

My sisters took the divorce much worse than I did. To this day one sister hasn't really talked to my Dad in three years. My other sister still yells over the phone if they do talk. Then there is me stuck in the middle. My Dad was my best friend, we did so many things together. He taught me to drag race and work on cars. Trying to maintain the relationship that we had as well as being the only family member talking to him made me the middle man for the whole family.

This is why I don't advocate for divorce is almost every circumstance although there are warranted cases. No family or children should have to experience what I had to go through.  

Saturday, March 28, 2020


Becoming a parent involves raising a child and that job lasts forever. There are many different ways to raise children and everyone has a different strategy. The way we parent today is very different from how our ancestors raised children.

As Dr. Leonard Sax mentions, " the recent collapse of parenting, which he says is at least partly to blame for kids becoming overweight, overmedicated, anxious and disrespectful of themselves and those around them." Parenting has become less about raising children and more about pleasing children to keep them happy. Having upset children is difficult for parents to deal with so giving them something to please them is an easy option. Making deals or letting children get away with disobedience is corrupting children's ability to be raised by parents.

"In this way, what happens over a meal is a metaphor for how uncomfortable parents have become in their position as the “alpha” or “pack leader” or “decider” of the family—the boss, the person in charge. The grown-up." Many parents struggle to be in charge of their family. From the first time they cave in to give the child what it wants they lose control.

"Parents also want a democratic household where each family member has a say about what happens—Should we go outside now? Are we ready to have a bath? Would you like to have the party here?—and they cultivate independence and freedom of thought in their children. Strict obedience used to be praised; now it is seen as outdated and potentially dangerous. Compliance might mean your kid is a pushover, which no parent wants, especially as bullying has spread from the schoolyard to cyberspace.

There are broader influences shifting the parent-child dynamic as well. Over the past half-century or more, the public has come to scorn power imbalances based on gender, race, religion and sexual orientation, and historic gains have been achieved in the pursuit of equality. Even corporations are now replacing pyramidal management with “flat organization.” In Western society, where equality for everyone has become a cultural objective and a constitutional right, children are treated like they are one more minority group to honour and empower. “Empower has come to seem virtuous,” Sax says. “Empower everyone, why not?” " The way we lead our family impacts our children. We need to make sure that children have a place in our family and that doesn't include leading the family in decisions. They can have a say but should not be a sole decision maker.

"The evolution hasn’t been easy, though. “We’re trying to pull off the emotion coaching but we haven’t received the training,” says Nair. “It’s like teaching your kids to speak French while you’re learning it in the textbook.” Parents have made it a top priority that their kids feel heard and respected from a young age. They want to be emotionally available to them, and for their children to be able to express their own emotions. “Kids have permission to have tantrums now because [they’re] learning how to manage feelings,” says Nair. “Someone said to me, ‘Are we seeing more tantrums now than we used to?’ And I wonder.” " It is perfectly fine for kids to have tantrums and show emotions. Growing up requires managing emotions and behaving appropriately.

Raising children is a vital part of being a parent. There are many issues with modern parenting styles, but we need to remained focus on the main goal, raising children. Whichever way is decided by the parents will have an effect on the child no matter what. There will always be some good and some bad effects. 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Fathers and Finances

Fathers and Finances

A father is responsible for many things in a family. For many people that includes working, managing finances, and presiding over the home. 

As The Family: A Proclamation To The World states, "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed."

Some families are a little different and some roles are given to the mother that may normally be given to a father and some of the father's typical roles may be given to a mother. This was the case in my family since finances were all managed by my mother because she was an accountant and was very good with budgets. My Father focused primarily on working to provide for the family since his work required him to make several trips to Asia every year. So for me not all fathers have to be in charge of finances but all fathers should be involved in some way with the finances of the family.

A major role of the father is to provide, meaning work to get income for the family's needs. It can be a tricky topic especially in 2020. In a patriarch centered household the woman would stop working to raise children while the man continues to work. Lately many women have felt that it should be the other way around because they want to fight for equal rights. While a woman working to support a family is not wrong it can have serious effects on the children. In my not so professional opinion many fathers cannot care for a child the way a mother can. Mothers have a God given gift or a talent that allows them to have the needed compassion and sympathy required to raise a child and teach them. When most people think of a man they think of manly traits like strong or emotionless but that's not always the case. Women just tend to have a better ability to nurture by God's design.

While fathers have some unique roles that are different than a mothers role they still work together. "Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations."

Raising children is one of the most important parts of being a father. Having a kid is what makes a man a father after all. Even though a father may work during the weekdays he is still responsible for raising the children and teaching correct values just as much as a mother is. A father will teach a young man how to honor and use the priesthood worthily. He may even teach his children how to drive or make repairs around the house. Any of the skills that the father posses it is his responsibility to teach his children how to use. Even teaching how to use the talents that the children have can be a responsibility for the father.

Fathers have many roles and responsibilities in the family and they can vary widely depending on the family and the circumstances. The most important thing is that a father is present and willing to serve the family in any capacity.

Saturday, March 14, 2020



"When I use a word," said Humpty Dumpty in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less." But Humpty Dumpty was mistaken. We would all like for our words to mean exactly what we choose for them to mean, in the sense that those who hear us understand us perfectly. However, communication is a complicated process. We will define communication as the use of language and nonverbal signs to create shared meaning between two or more people. But the meaning the meaning we convey to others depends on more than our intention."

Communication is an important part in family relations. It can be a determining factor in a healthy relationship. Having good communication can help a couple or family better share ideas and goals as well as important decisions and feelings with one another. 

"Much of the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of marriage and family life is rooted in the way that people communicate. In fact, a four-nation (Brazil, Italy, Taiwan, and the United States) study reported that constructive communication is positively associated with satisfaction in romantic relationships in these countries."

"When most people use the term communication, they probably are thinking of verbal communication, the use of words to convey our ideas to others." This form of communication is one of the most prevalent today. We use language to talk with one another and to share our thoughts and ideas. We use different forms of words to convey different feelings or meanings.

Verbal communication is only one of many types of communication we use today. We have many forms of nonverbal communication today include various types of electronic communications like email or texting. Our body language also shows emotion. 

Another big part of communication besides how we do it is how it is received by another individual. We all think differently which means we also all interpret things slightly differently. A husband could be acting normal yet a wife could be interpreting his body language as bored or not amused. When we talk we often speak differently around different people. We don't use slang around a university professor and we don't text our friends with perfect grammar.  We choose to switch our communication around different people because we want to be understood clearly. If we used slang around a university professor they might think we are careless or uneducated whereas if we used proper grammar with our friends they would think we are being snobs and trying to be more proper than them.

A good portion of communication is listening because only one person can speak at a time while everyone else must listen. As I served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I learned to become a good listener. By better listening to people I could better understand the situation they were in and what I could do or say to better help them. If we don't listen we can't interpret what is being said. Listening makes responding more effective and they better someone gets at listening and picking up on the various types of communication the better that person can respond to the other.

Communicating as a couple or between family members is crucial in making good relationship. In my family some struggle to communicate which directly affects our relationship. If I don't what is going on I don't know what I can do or say to help. My Mom and I talk several times and day and are very open with one another. Because we keep each other informed we continue to grow our relationship even from afar.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Family Stress

Family Stress

"Have you ever experienced what you would call a family crisis? If so, what was the nature of that crisis? What caused it? If you posed these questions to other people, you might hear of some differing kinds of crises than you have experienced. In any case, crises are closely linked with stressful events and/or behavior."

Oddly enough my family has had plenty of stress throughout various situations. I'll share a few stories and how my family was able to work through the stress. 

Every family and individual goes through different kinds of stress because there are many different situations that create it. 

In my family I have a sister that was rebellious and she wanted to have a different lifestyle than how she was raised. In college she got pregnant outside of marriage and it threw my family for a loop. We weren't quite sure how to handle the situation. It was a foreign situation to us. There was a lot of stress involving the father, the child's future, the finances, and so much more. It was a very emotional few months as we figured out how to process this shocking change in family dynamics. It took us a long time to work through our emotions.

On this story is available and it really explains how to overcome emotions.

"Will emotional trauma ever go away? Addressing it with a professional counselor, praying to God, and talking with trusted friends can ease some pain. In this video Brittany shares her experience with God’s grace and her emotional trauma.

When Brittany was a young teenager, her parents got divorced. The feelings of abandonment were overwhelming. Deeply hurt and longing for acceptance, she ended up in an abusive relationship. Alcohol, starving, and self-harming were just some of the ways in which she tried to cope. But everything she did took her to darker places.

Brittany never felt good enough or lovable enough. It was as if she deserved to be left alone. But one night, while her friends partied, she realized she could not deal with her emotional trauma alone. Alcohol hadn’t helped in the past, and it wouldn’t help now. A thought occurred to her that the Savior, Jesus Christ, could help work through the pain. She wanted to change her life and take the Savior’s hand.

It took time for Brittany to understand her value. Regular therapy visits, prayer, and talking with loved ones helped. Now Brittany consistently works through her trauma in healthier ways."

Also on is a great explanation of working through stress.

"As you begin any new experience (like joining the Church or attending a new school), you feel excited about the opportunity—and nervous because you don’t know quite what to expect. Over time you learn to meet these challenges, and you grow in the process.

Missions are no different. Sometimes a mission feels like a wonderful spiritual adventure—or at least a challenge you can handle. You calmly move forward with faith, realizing that much of the nervousness or worry you experience is temporary. You take courage in knowing you will adjust with time, grow spiritually, and develop many new skills. Experiences you once feared become more manageable. You even come to cherish aspects of missionary life that once felt overwhelming. You rely on the Spirit, grow in confidence, and find joy in your service."

Through the discovery of my depression to the divorce of my parents I have needed the spirit to help me overcome my stress. Having stress is normal and be able to cope with it is a need tool today. Without the ability to cope with stress our lives will spiral out of control.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Sexual Intimacy

Sexual Intimacy

Within marriage, sexual intimacy is a special bond between a husband and wife. There is healthy and unhealthy sexual intimacy characteristics that Laura Brotherson shares in her article “Raising the Bar on Intimate Relationships” that I want to go through. Let’s start with some of the unhealthy characteristics that could be present in a relationship.

First is being uncomfortable, ashamed, critical, or embarrassed with either your body or your partners body. There is no reason to hide these emotions when you can discuss them with your partner or even a counselor. These emotions or thoughts could be just covering up the real issues in the relationship.

Non-sexual affection only as a precursor to sex is also another big issue. This is portrayed a lot in society today especially in media. Also going along with this issue is expecting sex. Having the expectation for sex doesn’t support a real relationship rather it promotes a relationship like cohabitation with the goal of having sex. 

Unrestrained and impulse gratification can also cause issues in a relationship as it shows no control or no regard for a healthy boundary. Performance-based intimacy will only lead to disappointment. 

Being detached mentally and emotionally will have the same effect as the unrestrained relationship in a sense. This can be like being uneducated or even uninformed. Being taught negatively about sexual intimacy can result in false expectations or disappoint in the relationship. 

Having a one-dimensional relationship means that one person in the relationship is not attempting to have a connection with their partner. No mental, emotional, or spiritual connection with their significant other. 

When only one spouse initiates or puts forward the effort to have sexual intimacy this can create feelings on pressure or depression. 

Being self-centered will most definitely hurt the relationship as a healthy relationship requires two people not just one person.

Those are some of the negative characteristics of sexual intimacy and now we can talk about some of the good qualities.

Being accepting, embracing, and comfortable with your body is key to having a good body image and confidence in yourself.

Having affection not tied to sex creates a strong relationship outside of sexual intimacy. It creates an intimate relationship at all times with a strong connection to one another. 

God gave us agency and a close relationship doesn’t change that. Each partner in a relationship should have agency to do as they please within reason. This could be allowing alone time and time with friends. Having agency in a relationship will look different to everyone but having it is a crucial part of a healthy relationship.

Having bridled, restrained, and respectful passion is not only good but can enhance the sexual intimacy of a relationship. Knowing when to and not to engage in sexual activity and how to properly show affection is a great way to show respect to one another.

Having a connection-based relationship creates a strong bond between the two in the relationship. Being present and engaged is also a critical part of having a good relationship. No one likes a space cadet especially in relationships.

Being informed and educated is also great for communication about sensitive matters like sexual intimacy.

Having a multi-dimensional relationship can improve the overall health as well as sexual intimacy. Having the connection between mental, emotional, and spiritual things helps the relationship be something more than just sex.

Being healthy with sexual intimacy requires mutual effort or mutual initiation. Both partners must work together to create a healthy relationship not just one person.

Probably one of the best things to summarize a healthy relationship is mutuality. Being together on everything and becoming one in the relationship.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Transitions in Marriage

Transitions in Marriage

Marriage is a magical experience for many young adults. Little girls dream about their wedding day and getting married and boys dread being tied down! At the end of the day a young couple getting married is one of the highlights of their life. But getting married isn’t as simple as finding the right person and living with them for the rest of your life. It requires lots of big decisions and compromises. Two people from usually very different lifestyles coming together to be married comes with a lot of differences between them.

The differences can come as early as dating. The partner will most likely have varying interests and opinions from hobbies to politics and everything in-between. The couple must decide what they are gong to change to be with one another. Compromise is a part of any relationship even with things like politics. If the couple disagrees on politics, they may need to agree to not discuss them or only discuss certain aspects of politics without affiliating to a political party.

Once these beginning differences are sorted and the couple can still function together then they look towards marriage which once again brings in another transition. This transition is different from the dating phase. With the goal of marriage, the couple needs to better understand one another and determine where they see their relationship going. The roles of boyfriend and girlfriend become the roles of husband and wife. The Family A Proclamation To The World teaches us about these important roles. “THE FAMILY is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed.”

How well couples can transition to these roles can determine the strength of the relationship early on. The husband and wife work together to create and raise a family. Each person has a different role in the relationship and the family but when they work together, they become a strong family.
Men and women have different transitions as they prepare for and become married. As a man getting married being able to support your wife and future family becomes a huge concern. Living the bachelor life with wasteful spending on hobbies and eating out needs to cease or at least slow down.

A woman needs to prepare to become a wife and future mother. Women have many options when getting married. Different situations warrant different needs for the woman in the relationship. With a struggling couple the wife could go to work to raise more money to help support the couple or family. Another common option for women is to stay home and be homemakers. With couples and families that are well off financially the woman could choose to stay home and take care of the children and home as the husband works to provide for the family.

These transitions are important to the new couple since they can be a huge factor on the health of the relationship and the future the couple has together.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Preparing For Marriage

Preparing For Marriage

Marriage is the starting point to the family. Getting to that point is sometimes a long and difficult road but other times it is simple and rather quick. There are many steps in preparing for marriage and they are different between males and females. For most people preparing for marriage starts with dating and trying to find the right partner. 

For a returned missionary he will start with continuing to be worthy of a temple marriage. He will continue to attend church, read scriptures, and pray. After the initial shock of returning to normal life they will inevitably start dating again. This time they will date with a different purpose.  Now that the individual has had time to mature and learn more about life as an adult marriage is usually the next step. For members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints marrying in the temple to be sealed to a spouse is the ultimate goal. As the individual learns to maintain their spiritual well being they transition to learn how to function temporally again.

Many young adults go to college or a trade school to further their education and to get into a career of their choice. With further education these young adults learn how to manage their finances with the loans they get or the college funds they are given. Buying groceries, paying for auto insurance, and tuition payments are all new to a young adult and life feels overwhelming and quite hectic especially for a returned missionary that hasn't cooked dinner in one and a half to two years. Once this individual has sorted out their spiritual and temporal well being then they are ready to start searching for an eternal companion by dating.

As mentioned in the For the Strength Youth booklet “A date is a planned activity that allows a young man and a young woman to get to know each other better. In cultures where dating is acceptable, it can help you learn and practice social skills, develop friendships, have wholesome fun, and eventually find an eternal companion.” The Savior encourages dating and even marriage. Going on wholesome dates leads us to find the person we want to be eternal companions with. Dating as a youth is different from dating as a young adult. The thought of marriage usually scares youth because commitment and future change with marriage. With young adult’s marriage brings excitement as new possibilities are opened. “As you enter your adult years, make dating and marriage a high priority. Seek a companion who is worthy to go to the temple to be sealed to you for time and all eternity. Marrying in the temple and creating an eternal family are essential in God’s plan of happiness.” Being married is very important in God’s plan because it unlocks the creation of children as well as the path to the celestial kingdom and exaltation.
The Family A Proclamation to The World states “THE FAMILY is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners.” Marriage brings more than just two people together, it creates a whole family and many future generations of happiness.

Saturday, February 8, 2020


The Importance of Sexuality

This week my blog post will also be sensitive to many so I hope to once again be careful with the things that I write. I don't intend to offend any with my statements or references but to share my thoughts and beliefs.

Sexuality like gender is an important part of life. Our sexuality determines who we are attracted to, who we want to marry, and who we want to be around. It is a major motivating force that guides our decisions in regards to relationships. 

Long ago sexuality was rarely questioned and there wasn't much to even talk about. Today there are many varied opinions and stances. The most commonly talked about sexuality are straight (a man and a woman) and homosexual ( a man and a man or a woman and a woman). When sexuality wasn't questioned being homosexual was seen as a big negative and looked down upon. Now people openly embrace being homosexual and openly announce being homosexual. Why would society go from being against homosexuals to being in favor of them? Could one way be better than the other or could these differing views have any affect on society?

As the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints stated with its "The Family A Proclamation to The World", "We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife." God councils us that marriage is reserved for a man and a woman. The document goes on to say "THE FAMILY is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed." Sexuality goes beyond the preference of a man or a woman it goes deep into the core of a family. God warns us that raising children in a family with a marriage other than a husband and wife would be dangerous. We are counseled that we should honor the sacred nature of procreation and the power that it has within a marriage between a man and a woman. 

I know that this topic is very sensitive and it hails many questions. I served a mission in Colorado and I received many questions as to why God wants us to only marry the other gender. The truth is I don't know why God tells us these things. I do know that God is our loving Heavenly Father and that he wants the best for his children. I know that if we follow God's commandments we will be blessed for it. 

These are my beliefs and I don't share them as facts or as a rule for all to follow. God has given us free agency to choose for ourselves what is good and what is evil. I write these things to give you an insight to what I see as good. Whether you see it as good as well is up to you. I know God loves his children no matter what.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Gender Roles

Gender Roles

The blog post this week will inevitably be more of a sensitive topic for many people so I hope to speak carefully about these things. 

Gender is an essential characteristic of all forms of life. Every creature from dogs, to cows, to humans have gender. God created gender from the very beginning with Adam and Eve. In the year 2020 there are many different opinions regarding the importance of gender and what defines someones gender. There is increasingly more and more support for gender switching operations to alter a persons body in order to appear as a different gender. These actions of switching genders are a very controversial topic in media currently. 

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints a document was released in 1995 stating the importance and sacred nature of Gods children and their divine identity and role. This document was made many years before society started to question gender and to contort gender roles. As a member I believe this document to be written by a prophet and apostles of the savior and inspired by God.

As stated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in The family: A Proclamation To The World, "ALL HUMAN BEINGS—male and female—are created in the image of God". This statement explains that genders, male and female are both created before this life. Gender is a part of who we are and from this proclamation we learn that it isn't something that we can just change because we want to.

For many years another concern of gender is having equal rights. More women are entering the workforce. More women are also receiving better education which is helping them be able to have better jobs and higher positions in companies. Although on the surface this seems to be making women equal with men there are still many arguments made. One major issue women have is with the pay gap. A man and a woman in similar positions could be making very different pay checks even if they have nearly identical responsibilities and duties. This issue has been argued and discussed to death so I will move on to another important aspect of gender.

God teaches us that the purpose for men and women is to replenish the earth with offspring and that marriage is to be between a man and a woman. In the Family: A Proclamation To The World it states, "HUSBAND AND WIFE have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. “Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations." Although it is more difficult than ever to raise a family it is still part of our purpose. Having many children isn't possible for many families due to finances, health, or many other various situations. No matter what the situation is our purpose is still to multiply and replenish the earth. Not only are we supposed to have children but we are supposed to raise them. God commands us to raise them with good values and strong ethics. What God is asking of us is to create a Christ-centered family despite the wickedness we see today.

The concept of gender and gender roles are not an man-made and are not choices we make but callings we are asked to fill. It is up to us today if we will choose to accept or deny this calling.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Family System

The Family System

The family is one of the greatest systems of life. The family goes all the way back to the first humans on earth, Adam and Eve. God ordained the family to be the basic unit of life. All beings function in a family in some fashion. 

An important role within the family is the parents. They are responsible for raising and caring for children. In The Book Of Mormon in Mosiah 4 we are taught our responsibilities as parents, 

"14 And ye will not suffer your children that they go hungry, or naked; neither will ye suffer that they transgress the laws of God, and fight and quarrel one with another, and serve the devil, who is the master of sin, or who is the evil spirit which hath been spoken of by our fathers, he being an enemy to all righteousness.

15 But ye will teach them to walk in the ways of truth and soberness; ye will teach them to love one another, and to serve one another."

These verses teach us to take care of our children and provide the necessities of life. It also includes how we should raise our children spiritually. The scripture yearns us to not allow any breaking of Gods' commandments. Breaking any of Gods' commandments would be following Satan and lead to falling away from righteousness.

Parents are the only aspect of family that needs to be talked about. A broad perspective that needs to be discussed more is family relationships. My Mom taught me at a young age to always maintain family relationships especially extended family. I grew up on the east coast in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida. Both sides of my extended family live on the opposite side of the country on the west coast in Oregon, California, Utah, and Arizona. From a young age I noticed my Mom always exchanged Christmas cards and frequently called all the members of our extended family. This always confused me, partially because I didn't know who most the people she was talking to, but also because we only saw them a couple of times my whole childhood. As a kid I wondered why she would put so much effort into these relationships since we basically never saw them and really didn't have a presence in their life nor did they have one in ours.

As explained in Family System Theory, "the family is much more than its formal or legal definition; instead, it is a living, growing superpersonality that has as its essence the interactions of its members". We our a part of our family and we share a personality with them because of how we are raised and what values we share as a whole.

The relationships in my immediate family is very different from other families. I have two sisters that are five and seven years older than me. Both are married and one has a baby girl and the other has three little boys. My sisters didn't get along super well since they chose different lifestyles. The oldest was a very bright student and choose to go to a school my parents approved of while the younger sister struggled more in school because she chose to rebel against my parents teachings. The oldest sister was married to a nice man and started a wonderful family. My other sister chose to live a different lifestyle and had a child outside of marriage. They have continued to grow apart from one another and from me as well. Even though my mother always stressed the importance of maintaining family relationships my sisters chose to seclude themselves from the rest of the family. I am different from them but no better, I chose to keep my relationship with my parents and I try to have a relationship with my extended family even though it is difficult.

Family relationships are complicated and can be a very touchy situations depending on each family and time. The relationship we have with our family is very important and impacts the "superpersonality" that our family has.

Smith. Family System Theory.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Changing Trends in Family Life

Small Families Are Affecting Population Growth

The growth of the population has been a big concern for many scientists, economists, and politicians. Although people believe there is a growing population and many people are worried about it, the average fertility rate is too low to sustain the population in the United States. As Deseret News reported on January 2019 "The replacement rate — the number of births needed to maintain the population at its existing level — is 2,100 births per 1,000 women, or an average rate of 2.1 births per woman". The rate of 2.1 births per woman is not being met in any state with the exception of 2 states. Utah and South Dakota are the only states that are having just enough children to maintain the population. "Overall, the U.S. total fertility rate is 1,765.5 births per 1,000 women, compared to 2,227.5 in South Dakota and 2,120.5 in Utah" (Collins). These numbers vary across the country with the lowest rate being in the District of Columbia as stated by Deseret News "The District of Columbia had the lowest total fertility at 1,421.0, well below replacement rate, the report says. DC was also lowest in the total fertility rate for white women, at 1,012 per 1,000." DC is a very expensive location to live and may have an effect on the fertility rates of couples in the area. This study was made in 2017 and it is very possible that right now in 2020 those fertility rates have dropped below the sustainability rate.

These declining numbers may be due to couples delaying having children or deciding to not have children entirely. There is however a good side to these decreasing rates because that includes teen pregnancies. The United States has taken a strong stance on teens getting pregnant. There have been many movements and many opportunities for teens to learn about the importance of safety and protecting themselves. The Deseret News shared this statement regarding teen pregnancies "On one hand, birth rates have been declining in most populations, but especially among teens." Population is shown to be increasing because of the amount of people immigrating into the United States.

So how do these rates have any significance to you? Well, with the declining birth rate it is as big a concern as the rising population only with different consequences. With less children that would mean the elderly would begin to outnumber the working class. The elderly are supported by the worker class because of social security. With the working class shrinking the social security the elderly rely on will also shrink.

Another effect that the shrinking of the working class will create is the lack of employees at various businesses. Any business struggling to find employees runs the risks of going out of business or hiring under-qualified people. Ultimately this will affect the economy which has already been predicted.

In my family I have two older sisters. On my Fathers side of the family we are the only grandchildren. My uncle also never had children. From my grandparents they had two then only my Dad had kids and he had three. 
In my generation many people view kids differently than in the past. Children can disrupt careers, create financial burdens, and even create chaos in the home. Many young adults are focused on careers and marriage, they may not want kids right now or they cant afford it. Raising children takes a lot of money and time which some people aren't comfortable with. 

Although children can cause issues and take a lot to raise they can be a huge blessing. Having children could also help stop this issue of declining fertility rates. Without children we have no future.

Collins, Lois M. “Only Two States Had Fertility Levels above Replacement Levels in 2017. Utah Was One of Them.” Deseret News, Deseret News, 10 Jan. 2019,

Friday, January 10, 2020


Welcome to my blog, Scott's Thoughts!

In this blog I will be writing about things I have learned and wish to share in regarding family relations.

This is my Mom and we are very close with one another. We have had many good and bad times together. In the last 4 years we have gone through many hardships such as moving, divorce, sibling issues and more. I intend to use these examples to share what is important with family relationships. I am excited to share my thoughts with you!